The Crack Epidemic is an event that took place in the late 20th century in the United States, particularly from around 1974 till today.
The Conspiracy
Many people have believed that Afrikans in America were targeted by the Central Intelligence Agency to receive the cocaine which decimated black communities in the 1980s. Is it a coincidence that all of these issues appeared during and after the return of thousand of Black Troops from the Vietnam War. A lot of Afrikan Women were forced to get County help with living expenses do to deployment of our strong Afrikan Men. Upon their return many came back with no home to return to, because of the threat of not being able to receive benefits for their children.
The Facts
In 1985 50% of the emergency room admissions in L.A were due to crack. Full-blown cocaine psychosis was occurring as soon as eight months after first use and crack cocaine hit. What is beyond doubt is that CIA was directly responsible for the importation of tons of powdered cocaine into the U.S. and the protected delivery of that cocaine into the inner cities. Leaving the unsupportable arguments aside, is there a supportable case that CIA directly intended for Afrikans in America to receive the cocaine which it knew would be turned into crack cocaine and which it knew would prove so addictive as to destroy entire communities? The answer is absolutely, yes. The key to proving that CIA intended for Afrikan's in America to receive the drugs which virtually destroyed our communities lies in the twofold approach, of proving that they brought the drugs in and interfered with law enforcement - AND that, by virtue of CIA's relationships with the academic and medical communities, they knew exactly what the end result would be. Knowing that, we then have a mountain of proof, especially since the release of volume II of the CIA's Inspector General's Report (10/98) that the CIA specifically intended and achieved a desired result.
The Blue-print
"For about a year,"a Peruvian police psychiatrist named Dr. Raul Jeri had been insisting that "wealthy drug users in Lima were being driven insane by cocaine". A psychiatrist in Bolivia, Dr. Nils Noya, began making similar claims shortly thereafter." What had been discovered was an addiction so overwhelming that middle and upper class students and middle class wage earners in Peru and Bolivia had abandoned every aspect of a normal human life, including eating, drinking, personal hygiene to the point of defecating in clothes that would remain unchanged for days, family and shelter in the pursuit of "basuco". Basuco, a sticky paste, was the first-stage product in the refinement of coca leaves into powder. Although frequently mixed with a cesspool of toxic waste such as gasoline, kerosene and other chemicals, the pharmacological effects of smoking basuco are identical to the effects of smoking crack cocaine which became popular in the US ten years later. So intense was the addiction that desperate South American psychiatrists had resorted to bilateral anterior cyngulotomies (lobotomies) to stop the addiction, But even these drastic measures resulted in a relapse rate of between 50-80%.
The Testimonies
Yale medical student David Paly, working under Dr. Byck, recalled a 1978 conversation with his mentor. THe conversation with Byck was that if this ever hits the U.S., we're in deep trouble. Byck traveled to Peru to attend a symposium on cocaine with Siegel and other experts in 1979. The CIA routinely monitors overseas travels of U.S academics and the purposes of their travels. Since the Nixon Administration, emerging drug trends in producing countries had been a mandate of CIA collection efforts. When law enforcement grants, approvals and funding crossed international boundaries, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) and several special units within CIA were automatically notified. Here, they begin to see that CIA must have been well aware of the effects of basuco. The CIA's well-documented role in providing training, assistance and advice to Latin American law enforcement agencies guarantees that CIA was collecting intelligence on the destructiveness of cocaine smoking as soon as it began to be a problem. That was as far back as 1974. By the time the government was compelled to acknowledge that cocaine smoking had reached the U.S., and that it was having a devastating effect, the experts, including Siegel and Byck, who was now warning of an epidemic of near biblical proportions, encountered nothing but resistance from the government. According to Webb "Byck said the Food and Drug Administration shut down attempts to do any serious research on addiction or treatment, refusing to approve grant requests or research proposals and withholding government permits necessary to run experiments with controlled substances.