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Khemtnu, pronounced "Kham-et-Ah-nu", where the Original Civilization of what is now referred to as "Ancient Egypt".

The Khemtnu.

The term translates roughly into The People of the Land of the Black People of An/Anu, meaning The Black Nation. (i.e. Khemt="Land of the Black People" with the suffix Nu, which denotes "Beginnings").

Controversy of Race

As with All Great things Afu-Ra-Kan, there have been concerted efforts by europeans, arabs and asians to not only claim participation in establishing Khemt, but also to claim the race and nationality of its people. So-called modern "historians" and "anthropologists" adhering to these agendas present forced and extreme measures to assure the success of their falsifications; they have even gone to great lengths to refute documents and accounts of contemporary historians and eye-witnesses of the Khemtnu.[1] One such example of this effort is the refutation of the hellenic historian Herodotus.

The Powerful Sutenet (Queen) Tiye. Her "woolly hair" is still worn by Black Women today.

In his book History, Herodotus avers "The Egyptians...are black-skinned and have woolly hair..."[2]. Another contemporary historian, Diodorus of Sicily documented: "The Ethiopians say that the Egyptians are one of their colonies which was brought into Egypt by Osiris"[3]. In further support of the fact that the Khemtnu were irrefutably Afu-Ra-Kan, Gaston Maspero (1846-1916), in his book translated as The Dawn of Civilization, states firmly that "By the almost unanimous testimony of ancient historians, they belonged to an African race which first settled in Ethiopia, on the Middle Nile; following the course of the river, they gradually reached the (Mediterranean) sea".[4]

Suten Aten-Tuwt-Ankh, commonly known as "King Tut", was unmistakably a Negro. He was the son of the Great Suten Aten-yAkhen, and grandson of Sutenet Tiye (pictured right).

The fact that Khemt undoubtedly consisted of an amalgamation of differing races and peoples during the latter parts its Dynastic Period can not be ignored. However, these evidences Must Not be infused--nor confused--with the fact that, during Their prehistoric beginnings and throughout Their pre-dynastic period, the Khemtnu were Purely Afu-Ra-Kan. Their language, writings, architectural structures and techno-complexes, spiritual guidance and Netjeru were All imported from Ta'Nehisi (Ancient Nubia) when the first Khemetan city was founded. (see Anu). In this Light, not even a historian or anthropologist with a personal agenda would Logically present the Nubian as being any color but Black; in fact, the People of Ta'Nehisi were such a rich Black color that they have been deemed the prototype of the "Black African". Being that they Khemtnu were direct descendants of Ta'Nehisi, the only sensible conclusion is that They were just as rich in color. Of the Khemtnu, Herodotus described them as melanochroes--the strongest hellenic term for "Black"--which is the same word he used to denote the Ethiopians.[5] "This opinion did not change until the day it was recognized with amazement that Egypt was the Mother of all civilization. Then eyesight suddenly improved and it was possible to distinguish, on the frescoes where everyone had previously recognized as Negroes, evidences of a 'white race with red skin', a 'white race with dark red skin', a 'white race with black skin'. But they never distinguished, as Egyptians, a white race with white skin."[6]


In a lecture on the revival of Afu-Ra-Kan history, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima--historian and author of "They Came Before Columbus"--presented evidences and documentations done by the late Cheikh Anta Diop regarding the race and color of the Khemtnu. In 1974, at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization[7], Diop--Senegalese Scholar, historian and anthropologist--presented documentation of the results from melanin dosage testing he had performed on mummies from Khemt. In these records, Diop stated that the concentration of melanin was so great that the mummies could only be classified as Negro.[1]

Other names of the Khemtnu

As previously stated, the term Khemtnu is a self-given name of the People of Khemt. It can not be overstated that a great deal of importance and strength was placed on Their Blackness--as, not only was the term Khem used to denote who They were and where They established Themselves, but it was also the color used to depict Their Netjeru[8] and Khui ("Ancestor's Spirits").

As with All Netjeru Khemetan, Amun, the "Hidden Self" and essence in all things, was clearly Negro. He is pictured twice, depicted with the two large feathers above his crown.

Other terms the Khemtnu used to refer to Themselves were [2]:

  • Khemetu--Black People (citizens living in Khemt)
  • Khama'atu--Black People
  • Khememu--Black Ones (people from Khemt)
  • Himu-Khemu--Black Man (general reference)
  • Himet-Khem-et--Black Woman (general reference)
  • Khem--Black One (man)
  • Khem-et--Black One (woman)
  • Khemu--Black Ones (men)
  • Khem-ut--Black Ones (women)
  • Khem-et-yi--Two Black People


  1. Williams, "Destruction..", "..modern caucasians..eagerly quote the ancient historians as first-line authorities, but attack them whenever and wherever their records upset the premises upon which modern racism is built..'Here Herodotus must be read with caution. He is known to have made errors..It is very likely Diodorus was relying on oral tradition..They may have confused the Greek 'Ethiopia', which means 'The Black Land' with 'Chem'(Egypt) which also means 'The Black Land', for Pliny suggests that in the case of Egypt 'black' refers to the soil rather than the people...' And so it goes." (pg. 88-89)
  2. Diop, African Origin..(pg. 1)
  3. Diop, African Origin..(pg. 1)
  4. Diop, African Origin..(pg. 2)
  5. Diop, African Origin..(pg. 242)
  6. Diop, African Origin..(pg. 167)
  7. UNESCO. Cairo, Egypt. 1974
  8. Ashby, "Asar, Lord of the Perfect Black...vast un-manifest regions of existence..."(pg. 85)


  • Ashby, Muata (2006). "The Book of Coming Forth by Day". Cruzian Mystic Books.
  • Diop, Cheikh A. (1974). "The African Origin of Civilization". Lawrence Hill Books.
  • James, George G.M. (1954). "Stolen Legacy". African American Images.
  • Williams, Chancellor (1987). "The Destruction of Black Civilization". Third World Books.
  • Video by TStheEducator