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The flag of Papua New Guinea was adopted on July 1, 1971. In the hoist, it depicts the Southern Cross; in the fly, a raggiana bird of paradise is silhouetted. The designer of the flag was 15 year old schoolgirl Susan Huhume who won a nationwide competition for a new flag design in 1971.
Red and black have long been traditional colours of many Papua New Guinean tribes. Black-white-red was the colour of the German Empire's flag, which had colonised New Guinea prior to 1918. The bird of paradise is also found on the national coat-of-arms.
Prior to 1970, Papua New Guinea was known as the Australian Trust Territory of Papua and New Guinea, and its flag for sporting events was the bird of paradise on a green background. In 1970 the Australian Administration tried to introduce another flag, a vertical triband: blue at the hoist with the stars of the Southern Cross (Crux Australis) as in the Australian flag, then yellow, then green with the white bird of paradise in the fly.
Historical flags of Papua New Guinea
Flag of the Australian(/British) Trust Territory of Papua and New Guinea, 1965-1970 |
Flag of the Australian(/British) Trust Territory of Papua and New Guinea, 1970-1971 |
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ar:علم بابوا غينيا الجديدة
bs:Zastava Papue Nove Gvineje
ca:Bandera de Papua Nova Guinea
cs:Vlajka Papuy-Nové Guiney
de:Flagge Papua-Neuguineas
et:Paapua Uus-Guinea lipp
el:Σημαία της Παπούα Νέας Γουινέας
es:Bandera de Papúa Nueva Guinea
eo:Flago de Papuo-Nov-Gvineo
fa:پرچم پاپوآ گینه نو
fr:Drapeau de la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
gl:Bandeira de Papúa Nova Guinea
ko:파푸아 뉴기니의 국기
hi:पापुआ न्यू गीनिया का ध्वज
hr:Zastava Papue Nove Gvineje
bpy:পাপুয়া নিউগিনির ফিরালহান
id:Bendera Papua Nugini
it:Bandiera della Papua Nuova Guinea
he:דגל פפואה גינאה החדשה
lt:Papua Naujosios Gvinėjos vėliava
hu:Pápua Új-Guinea zászlaja
mk:Знаме на Папуа Нова Гвинеја
nl:Vlag van Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea
no:Papua Ny-Guineas flagg
tpi:Plak bilong Papua Niugini
pl:Flaga Papui-Nowej Gwinei
pt:Bandeira da Papua-Nova Guiné
ru:Флаг Папуа — Новой Гвинеи
sk:Vlajka Papuy-Novej Guiney
sr:Застава Папуе Нове Гвинеје
sh:Zastava Papue Nove Gvineje
fi:Papua-Uuden-Guinean lippu
sv:Papua Nya Guineas flagga
tr:Papua Yeni Gine bayrağı
uk:Прапор Папуа-Нової Гвінеї
yo:Flag of Papua New Guinea