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Granted I will come back not right now:

Frontal view of Heru-em-Akhut. The Sun would rise above the head, representing the risen Light of Consciousness of the Human Mind.
Frontal view of Heru-em-Akhut. The Sun would rise above the head, representing the risen Light of Consciousness of the Human Mind.
Location: Giza Necropolis[Find Afrikan Name], Giza, Egypt
Built: pre-dynastic
Architect: BaTwa people
Architectural style(s): Northern Nile Valley
Visitation: 8,200,000 ~ (2005 [1])
Governing body: Egypt

Heru-em-Akhut (also spelled Heru-em-Akhet or Heru-em-Aakhet) is a Khemetan term that roughly translates to Heru in the Horizon. It is a monolithic Monument which depicts the head of an Afu-Ra-Kan atop the body of a lion, more popularly known today as the 'Great Sphinx of Giza'. Heru-em-Akhut was later used as the model for the hellenic "Harmakhus".

Physical Description and Controversy

Throughout history, both researchers and tourists alike have been as equally fascinated as they have been perplexed by the majestic presence of Heru-em-Akhut. At over 66-feet high, 20-feet wide and 241-feet long, Heru-em-Akhut stands as the largest monolithic structure in the world. Its dimensions are as massive as its builders' achievement--an achievement so great that, when later witnessed by european explorers, they concluded that a reality of it being built by Humans could not be possible. Though it protected the horizon in Khemt, and was decorated wall-to-wall with Netjer Medu, european "scholars" have searched vigorously for its builders in some "ancient lost civilization", or "proofs" to lend its fashioning to extraterrestrial 'super-beings'. The "primitive African descendants of apes" were never considered, let alone mentioned, in the mind of the european; even the 2500b.c.e "traditional view held by modern egyptologists"[[1]] was invented to skew the much older antiquity of the Monument, in hopes to allow "evidences" to magically appear, proving the intervention of another origin of its builders. All concerted efforts of the european, however, have been thwarted by modern forensic and anthropological analysis. According to the facial structure, prognathism and facial features, it has been proven that the "mysterious builders" of Heru-em-Akhut were none other than the Afu-Ra-Kan BaTwa (Twa)--misnomered by the european as the "Pygmies"--representing some of the earliest inhabitants of Khemt. (video can be seen here [2])


From the point proceeding the european destruction of Khemt on, why Heru-em-Akhut was built became just as much a mystery as how. The abstract symbolism depicted in the Netjer Medu and Temple artifacts of the Khemtnu worked in perfect alignment with the natural spirituality of the Afu-Ra-Kanu/Afu-Rait-Kaitnut (Ma'at), yet, in turn, in opposition of the rigidity of the european mind. They, therefore, summed up their "explanation" of the Khemetan symbols as simply "primitive animism". (It is imperative to Overstand the fact that, during the Ma'afa, the Black Man and Woman were made to think and view the world through the myopic eye of the european. This systematic process has reduced the minds of today's Black People to the point where We no longer are in connection with the Higher Wisdom of the Khemtnu. Therefore, We must persistently and diligently work to regain Our Minds, thus allowing Us to regain this connection.) As with All things Khemetan, Heru-em-Akhut, diametrically, is far from "primitive animism". Astronomically, the Monolith is strategically placed in the path of both the Mer (Great Pyramid) and the rising Sun. The "man-headed lion" serves as the protector of Ra-Khepera (The Moving Sun) as it journeys from east to west. However, remaining Conscious of the importance of Dualism to the Khemtnu, the path of Ra-Khepera, Mer and Heru-em-Akhut depicted a significant transgression within the Human body and Mind. In the Pert-M-Heru, or "Book of Coming into Enlightment", the "rising and setting of the Sun" represents the Human daily cycle of sleep and awakening[2]; symbolically, "sleep and awakening" are viewed as "death and rebirth" of the Consciousness. To the Khemtnu, The Conscious Rebirth or en(Light)enment of the Mind was an internal replica of the rising of Ra. Heru-em-Akhut, having the lower anatomy of an animal (lion) and the upper anatomy of a Human, represents the transformation of this newly en(Light)ened Consciousness: Once Ra (The Light of Consciousness and Understanding) has risen, the "lion-animal man" (body, appetites, lower, primitive, instinctive Self) has now been transformed into Heru (The Highest Light in the Mind of Man). As sure as the Sun will rise over Heru-em-Akhut, so will remain the constant "sleep and awakening" of the Mind.


  2. *Ashby, M. (2006). "The Book of Coming Forth by Day". Cruzian Mystic Books.


  • Ashby, M. (2006). "The Book of Coming Forth by Day". Cruzian Mystic Books.